Solan nearest Town from Shimla

Solan is located 66 Km from Chandigarh 45 Km from Shimla and 296 Km from Delhi. Population of solan is 39,256 and literacy rate of solan is 87.52 %. There are 4 sub-division and 211 panchayat and 12 tehsils and sub-tehsils(7 tehsils and 5 sub-tehsils) tehsils names are Solan, Kandaghat, Kasauli, Nalagarh, Arki, Baddi,Ramshehar and sub-tehsils are Krishangarh, Darlaghat, Mamligh & Panjehra. Solan is famous for The Shoolini Mata Temple, jatoli Shiv Temple and there is also a monastery that’s name is Yundung Monastery. Solan is also famous for Kasauli, this hill station is very near from Chandigarh in Kasauli you also see a sunrise or sunset point and kasauli church. It is believed that solan is a place where Pandavas  have meditated during their 12-year expatriate. There are also avery large number of colleges, universities  and schools most famous University in solan and himachal pradesh is shoolini university. 

Famous places in solan:-
Kasauli is a very beautiful place in solan Kasauli is located on the way of  Chandigarh to Shimla. It is  77 km from Shimla, 65 km from Chandigarh. Kasauli is famous for its lush green beauty there is also a sunset point, Tibetan Market, Baptist Church, Timber Trail or there is also an army resthouse.
Kasauli is the nearest tourist place from Chandigarh. Kasauli is the very best place for enjoying a weekend so must go kasauli but be careful from naughty monkeys. Every weekend this place full with people mostly Chandigarh and Punjabi people come here. There is also The Central Research Institute (CRI), originally the Pasteur Institute of India was established at Kasauli in 1904.

   Maa Shoolini temple
Maa shoolini temple is very famous temple in solan this temple dedicated to Mata Parvati and Durga Mata, shoolini mata also known as Dhuruvi, Shoolini Durga. It is said that Solan city named after the Shoolini Devi. 
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